Class ExampleApplication


@SpringBootApplication public class ExampleApplication extends Object
The ExampleApplication class is the main entry point for the application.
  • Constructor Details

    • ExampleApplication

      public ExampleApplication()
  • Method Details

    • wiremockApplicationRunner

      @Profile("wiremock") @Bean public org.springframework.boot.ApplicationRunner wiremockApplicationRunner()
      When using the wiremock profile, this method will call the code needed to set up the wiremock services
    • developmentApplicationRunner

      @Profile("development") @Bean public org.springframework.boot.ApplicationRunner developmentApplicationRunner()
      Hook that can be used to set up any services needed for development
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      The main method is the entry point for the application.
      args - command line arguments, typically unused for Spring Boot applications