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addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.interceptors.RoleInterceptorConfig
allRecommendationRequests() - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RecommendationRequestController
List all recommendation requests
allRequestTypes() - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RequestTypeController
This method returns a list of all request types.
ApiController - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers
This is an abstract class that provides common functionality for all API controllers.
ApiController() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.ApiController


csrf() - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.FrontendController
When not in development, the CSRF endpoint is not used, so return 404
csrf(CsrfToken) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.CSRFController
This method returns a CSRF token.
CSRFController - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers
The CSRF controller is used to get a CSRF token.
CSRFController() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.CSRFController
CurrentUser - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.models
This is a model class that represents the current user.
CurrentUser() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.models.CurrentUser
CurrentUserService - Class in
This is a service that provides information about the current user.
CurrentUserService() - Constructor for class
CurrentUserServiceImpl - Class in
This is a service that provides information about the current user.
CurrentUserServiceImpl() - Constructor for class


deleteRecommendationRequest(Long) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RecommendationRequestController
Delete a recommendation request
deleteRequestType(Long) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RequestTypeController
Deletes a request type.
deleteUser_Admin(Long) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.UsersController
developmentApplicationRunner() - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.ExampleApplication
Hook that can be used to set up any services needed for development


edu.ucsb.cs156.rec - package edu.ucsb.cs156.rec
edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.aop - package edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.aop
edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.config - package edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.config
edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers - package edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers
edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.entities - package edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.entities
edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.errors - package edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.errors
edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.interceptors - package edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.interceptors
edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.models - package edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.models
edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.repositories - package edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.repositories - package - package
EntityNotFoundException - Exception Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.errors
This is an error class for a custom RuntimeException in Java that is used to indicate when an entity of a specific type with a given ID is not found.
EntityNotFoundException(Class<?>, Object) - Constructor for exception class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.errors.EntityNotFoundException
Constructor for the exception
ExampleApplication - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec
The ExampleApplication class is the main entry point for the application.
ExampleApplication() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.ExampleApplication


filterChain(HttpSecurity) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.config.SecurityConfig
The `filterChain` method in this Java code configures various security settings for an HTTP request, including authorization, exception handling, OAuth2 login, CSRF protection, and logout behavior.
findAllByProfessorId(Long) - Method in interface edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.repositories.RecommendationRequestRepository
Find all recommendation request by the professor's user id
findAllByRequesterId(Long) - Method in interface edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.repositories.RecommendationRequestRepository
findByEmail(String) - Method in interface edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.repositories.UserRepository
This method returns a User entity with a given email.
findByRequestType(String) - Method in interface edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.repositories.RequestTypeRepository
This method returns a RequestType entity with a given requestType string.
FrontendController - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers
The FrontendController is used to serve the frontend of the application.
FrontendController() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.FrontendController
FrontendProxyController - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers
The FrontendProxyController is used to proxy requests to the frontend of the application.
FrontendProxyController() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.FrontendProxyController


genericMessage(String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.ApiController
This method returns a generic message.
getAdmin(String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.config.SecurityConfig
This method checks if the given email belongs to an admin user either from a predefined list or by querying the user repository.
getAllRecommendationRequestsByProfessor(long) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RecommendationRequestController
Get all recommendation requests by Professor id
getAllRecommendationRequestsByRequester(long) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RecommendationRequestController
Get all recommendation requests by Requester id
getById(Long) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RecommendationRequestController
Get a single recommendation request by id
getById(Long) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RequestTypeController
This method returns a single request type.
getCurrentUser() - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.ApiController
This method returns the current user.
getCurrentUser() - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.UserInfoController
This method returns the current user.
getCurrentUser() - Method in class
This method returns the current user as a CurrentUser object
getCurrentUser() - Method in class
This method returns the current user as a User object.
getGrantedAuthorities() - Method in class
The function retrieves and logs the granted authorities from the current security context in a Java application.
getOAuth2AuthenticatedUser(SecurityContext, Authentication) - Method in class
This method obtains the current user that is logged in with OAuth2, if any.
getProfessor(String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.config.SecurityConfig
This method checks if the given email belongs to a professor user by querying the user repository.
getRoles() - Method in class
This method returns the roles of the current user.
getRoles() - Method in class
This method returns the roles of the current user.
getStudent(String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.config.SecurityConfig
This method checks if the given email belongs to a student user by querying the user repository.
getSystemInfo() - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.SystemInfoController
This method returns the system information.
getSystemInfo() - Method in class
This method returns the system information.
getSystemInfo() - Method in class
This method returns the system information.
getUser() - Method in class
This method returns the current user as a User object.
getUser() - Method in class
This method returns the current user as a User object.
getWiremockServer() - Method in class
This method returns the wiremockServer
getWiremockServer() - Method in class
Dummy call for getWiremockServer()
getWiremockServer() - Method in class
This method returns the wiremockServer
GrantedAuthoritiesService - Class in
The is a service that retrieves and logs the granted authorities for the current user's authentication.
GrantedAuthoritiesService() - Constructor for class


handleGenericException(Throwable) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.ApiController
This method handles the EntityNotFoundException.


index() - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.FrontendController
Serve home page of application
init() - Method in class
This method initializes the WireMockServer
init() - Method in class
Dummy call to init
init() - Method in class
This method initializes the WireMockServer
initializeRequestTypes() - Method in class
Initializes the RequestType table with hardcoded values if they are not already present.
isLoggedIn() - Method in class
This method returns whether the current user is logged in.


logControllers(JoinPoint) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.aop.LoggingAspect
This method is called before any controller method that is annotated with @RequestMapping, @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping, @DeleteMapping, or @PatchMapping.
LoggingAspect - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.aop
This class is an Aspect that logs all invocations of controller methods that are annotated with @RequestMapping, @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping, @DeleteMapping, or @PatchMapping.
LoggingAspect() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.aop.LoggingAspect


main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.ExampleApplication
The main method is the entry point for the application.


postRecommendationRequest(String, String, String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RecommendationRequestController
Create a new recommendation request
postRequestType(String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RequestTypeController
This method creates a new request type.
preHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.interceptors.RoleInterceptor
proxy(ProxyExchange<byte[]>) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.FrontendProxyController
This method proxies requests to the frontend server.


RecommendationRequest - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.entities
This is a JPA entity that represents a RecommendationRequest, i.e.
RecommendationRequest() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.entities.RecommendationRequest
RecommendationRequestController - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers
This is a REST controller for RecommendationRequest
RecommendationRequestController() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RecommendationRequestController
RecommendationRequestRepository - Interface in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.repositories
The RecommendationRequestRepository is a repository for RecommendationRequest entities
RequestType - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.entities
This is a JPA entity that represents a request type.
RequestType() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.entities.RequestType
RequestTypeApplicationRunner - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec
This class contains a `run` method that initializes RequestType entries at application startup.
RequestTypeApplicationRunner(RequestTypeService) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.RequestTypeApplicationRunner
RequestTypeController - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers
This is a REST controller for Request Types.
RequestTypeController() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RequestTypeController
RequestTypeRepository - Interface in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.repositories
The RequestTypeRepository is a repository for RequestType entities.
RequestTypeService - Class in
Service for managing RequestType entities.
RequestTypeService(RequestTypeRepository) - Constructor for class
Constructor for RequestTypeService with dependency injection.
RoleInterceptor - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.interceptors
RoleInterceptor() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.interceptors.RoleInterceptor
RoleInterceptorConfig - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.interceptors
RoleInterceptorConfig() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.interceptors.RoleInterceptorConfig
run(ApplicationArguments) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.RequestTypeApplicationRunner
Called once at application startup time.


SecurityConfig - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.config
The `SecurityConfig` class in Java configures web security with OAuth2 login, CSRF protection, and role-based authorization based on user email addresses.
SecurityConfig() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.config.SecurityConfig
setupOauthMocks(Stubbing, boolean) - Static method in class
This method sets up the necessary mocks for authentication
SystemInfo - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.models
This is a model class that represents system information.
SystemInfo() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.models.SystemInfo
SystemInfoController - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers
This is a REST controller for getting information about the system.
SystemInfoController() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.SystemInfoController
SystemInfoService - Class in
The SystemInfoService is a service that provides global information about the system and makes it available to the frontend.
SystemInfoService() - Constructor for class
SystemInfoServiceImpl - Class in
This is a service for getting information about the system.
SystemInfoServiceImpl() - Constructor for class


toggleAdmin(Long) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.UsersController
toggleProfessor(Long) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.UsersController
toggleStudent(Long) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.UsersController


updateRecommendationRequest(Long, RecommendationRequest) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RecommendationRequestController
Update a single recommendation request
updateRequestType(Long, String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.RequestTypeController
Update a single request type.
User - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.entities
This is a JPA entity that represents a user.
User() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.entities.User
UserInfoController - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers
This is a REST controller for getting information about the current user.
UserInfoController() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.UserInfoController
UserRepository - Interface in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.repositories
The UserRepository is a repository for User entities.
users() - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.UsersController
This method returns a list of all users.
users(Long) - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.UsersController
UsersController - Class in edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers
This is a REST controller for getting information about the users.
UsersController() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.controllers.UsersController


webSecurityCustomizer() - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.config.SecurityConfig
The `webSecurityCustomizer` method is used to configure web security in Java, specifically ignoring requests to the "/h2-console/**" path.
wiremockApplicationRunner() - Method in class edu.ucsb.cs156.rec.ExampleApplication
When using the wiremock profile, this method will call the code needed to set up the wiremock services
WiremockService - Class in
This is a service for mocking authentication using wiremock This class relies on property values.
WiremockService() - Constructor for class
WiremockServiceDummy - Class in
This is a dummy service for profiles besides wiremock where we do not want the mocked authentication, but instead real oauth authentication
WiremockServiceDummy() - Constructor for class
WiremockServiceImpl - Class in
This is a service for mocking authentication using wiremock This class relies on property values.
WiremockServiceImpl() - Constructor for class
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form