Class FrontendProxyController


@Profile("development") @RestController public class FrontendProxyController extends Object
The FrontendProxyController is used to proxy requests to the frontend of the application. This is only used in development where we have a separate frontend server process listening on port 3000. For production, see the FrontendController.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FrontendProxyController

      public FrontendProxyController()
  • Method Details

    • proxy

      @GetMapping({"/","/{path:^(?!api|oauth2|swagger-ui|h2-console).*}/**"}) public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<?> proxy(<byte[]> proxy)
      This method proxies requests to the frontend server. It is only used in development. The regular expression is used to exclude the paths that should NOT be proxied to the frontend server, such as the endpoints for the api, oauth2, and swagger-ui.
      proxy - the proxy exchange, injected by Spring automatically
      response entity with the response from the frontend server, or a response entity with instructions in case the frontend server cannot be reached.